
Yellow Tea Rare Chinese Tea

Yellow tea belongs to the lightest fermented tea, whose processes are similar to green tea, but with a slower drying phase, the character of yellow tea is golden dry tea leaves and yellowish tea liquor, which is different from green teas.
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Different from the bitter taste of the green tea, yellow tea tastes sweeter with strong aftertaste because of the light fermentation. The process of yellow tea is withered, fermented preventing and rolling, yellowed by fermenting and dry.

Comparing with the processes of green tea, the process of yellow tea is similar with it, but has one more step---yellowed by fermenting.

According to the picking standards, yellow tea is divided into three levels: Huang Yacha, Huang Xiaocha, Huang Dacha. The highest level of yellow tea named Huang Yacha, which is picked buds in spring to make. The second level of yellow tea named Huang Xiaocha, which is made of buds and tender leaves in spring. It is said that Huang Xiaocha is the sweetest yellow tea among all the levels. Huang Dacha is made for rough and strong leaves which are seldom to use.

There are many famous breeding for yellow teas which have special flavor.

Junshan Yinzhen

Junshan Yinzhen is a kind of yellow tea produced in Junshan, Dongting Lake, Hunan Province. As one of the favorite teas of Chairmen Mao, Junshan Yinshan Yinzhen is a kind of tea with appreciation value.

The brewing way of Junshan Yinzhen is special. Firstly, put hot water into a cup. Then put 3 to 5 grams Junshan Yinzhen in the glass. After that, put some hot water in the glass again to 17 percent. Finally you can see all the tea leaves like needle floating in the glass.

Jinyun Huangcha

Jinyun Huangcha is produced in Jinyun County, Zhejiang Province, where is famous for its beautiful scene. Jinyun Huangcha must be picked from the mountain over 1,000 meters high.

Tea farmers believe that good quality tea must be produced in high mountains, because the temperature in high mountain is low which could help tea bush growing slowly. Then tea leaves could become fat, fully of nutrition.

Jinyun Huangcha is a kind of Huang Xiaocha whose flavor is fruity. What is more, the shape of Jinun Huangcha looks like Longjing, but yellowish. And white leaves in the cup looks like yellow jade. So Jinyun Huangcha is a kind of tea full of appreciation value.

Huoshan Huangya

Huoshan Huangya originally produced in Anhui Province, which is picked in the middle of April. Tea farmers pick tea buds with the shape of sparrow tongue. The flavor of Huoshan Huangya is like fried chestnut. Because of this special flavor, Huoshan Huangya has been the tribute since Ming Dynasty.

